Passions And Anticipation Of Satisfactions

There are things in the life of each person that we anticipate and tackle with a conviction enough to not allow ANY other happening to take persistence between the time of the inception of the thought and the taking place of the event.

This would all seem to be done for a satisfaction or a presumed satisfaction . . Nothing wrong with that. We want to be satisfied, fulfilled, content and God wants us to be satisfied, or as He puts it … At Peace …..

Some examples of such goals are:(and these things change depending of our age in years)first boy or girlfriend at school, prom, , favorite band in concert, family reunion, wedding, new job or education for career, motorcycle rally, new housing, vehicles, physical appearance, financial status, and not as if this list hasn’t gone on long enough…it could continue until it would fill volumes greater than the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Some of these are long term goals, with short term steps needing to be taken along the way. In other words whatever that “thing” is, we commit ourselves to the task or tasks needed to achieve the goal, we are committed to the responsibility, to the all consuming labor (joyful or not) and will state that “if my life depended open it, I won’t give up” until the goal of attaining or attending or achieving has been met.

For some of us, these “goals”, we set, are lofty and out of reach. This is then a cause of fears and exhaustions of all forms, bitterness toward self or others, and we can all to easily find it suitable to turn to surrogate  goals in rudimentary vice, which are always waiting for contestants in the effort to attain one satisfaction or another. (you may wish to take a peak at Positive thoughts for the Negative Thinker)  

For others of us we set our goals far to low, which allows us to always be a success in our own eyes and the eyes of others, often making the most meager event into a prideful accomplishment and yet another reason to brag of our wit, our wisdom in use of resources, our actual grace.(and of course once we have had our fill of glory and are already on our way to the next accomplishment, and only then we insist it was all by Gods Grace  and we graciously Give ALL the Glory to Him)

If we truly focus on a bigger picture in this earthly life, (as a preparation for eternal life) could we- would we – should we ever do anything that will stifle one iota of the satisfaction we anticipate, and have been told of time and time again will one day be ours?  Of Course not.

But so many “things” seem so important to “life”. when we are willing to put away the bigger picture .. and focus on ourselves as our own gods … 

But if we allow ourselves to stay that way .. What satisfaction will there be when all of the finite is rendered valueless and only the infinite has merit?

With this in mind let us touch on the subject of “passions” (or passion in general) for the simple reason that these goals spoken of ARE OUR PASSIONS.  If we are not passionate about them they are hollow, or we truly wouldn’t “anticipate” any satisfaction.

This has lead me to questioning my true passions and what values will they have after this world is no longer for me?

As well as what passions can be seen in other humans, which seem to be gaining THEM eternal merit and how can it be learned to enjoy such goals, rather than events taken part in thus far which aren’t seemingly producing much that will have value in heaven???

WOW ….only one Passion comes to mind that would be worth putting any effort into – “The Passion Of Christ” …..but wait…. that was His Passion and it can’t be presumed to reenact THAT …. even if…it wouldn’t have the same ending … cuz there ain’t no way for me to be coming up out of the Grave after three days least not the way things are right now..

AND why do they call it His “Passion” anyway?  Even to the point that it is #11 in the dictionary definitions of the word . Really?  Isn’t a passion something you love?

We don’t have to stretch our imagination to far to know:

He didn’t “enjoy” being totally humiliated by the false acquisitions, or take some masochistic pleasure in being tortured. And no one likes having 12 of your closest friends bail out on you (at a time when even THEY should know you need them most) and as far as having nails hammered through your body and hours of pain before finally dying …. well there can’t be much in THAT to be Passionate about …..BUT JESUS DID…. and Why? ….

So that some could go the the prom? … So that some could have a wedding (and family complete with reunions)? ….  So that some could enjoy a new motorcycle?  So that some could have plenty of spending money?..

Yes it has been said that, this is all a part of WHY HE was so passionate about that goal of His …. but something tells me that HE doesn’t want me to anticipate these things as the greatest satisfaction available, and that these goals of mine are only worth achieving as stepping stones to be used as means to get closer to those things that will NOT parish with the rest of the world ….

Me thinks it would suffice to say, (or resound the truth that) Our Lords only Passion in all of this, is Love for Sinful Man .. and If “sinful man” (by exercise of the free will) decides to elevate any lower goals or accomplishments to the level of replacements for the Everlasting Goal,  ( and regardless of the countless attempts Heaven makes to correct and reprove this mistake from within and without) thereby insists on being content with these lower goals, he (sinful man – you and me) will justly have to be left with them.

Even though we can’t live out the Passion of Jesus, We have been told that He does invite each of us to “join in His Passion” spiritually at each opportunity of a Mass at a Catholic Church, (and me thinks it true at most Worship Services) as well as at each opportunity we have to be kind to someone that doesn’t seem to deserve it. (although in this last one we are taking a chance on getting a little beat up, but if we do get beat up some by following His example, he will make it up to us. Ya know He is like that )  

So with this in mind, let’s try to keep focused on the larger picture of “where will we be 200 years from now”? And attempt to make better use of those freedoms which allow us to easily reach these lower goals. Enjoying reaching them, and enjoy the company of others as we anticipate our opportunity to give THANKS to Our Lord, for all He has done and all that He has allowed us to be the stewards or caretakers of.

Let’s anticipate that face to Face meeting, with a conviction that allows no other happening to take persistence and really treat it as though our life depends on it. For with God all things are possible.

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