1). Some humans “question” the existence of God …
1a). For the most part the same persons will insist that they are open minded, and solid of mind enough to never be influenced by the inklings of other humans, saying that God indeed does exist .. and that they can make up their own mind without any one else’s help.
1b). The insistence that He has been and is active within the lives of all of His creations that He gave a soul to, well that notion is debatable and not of much concern as long as we are all good people in our own eyes and the eyes of society ..(generally meaning we don’t break any, or very few, Governmental or laws of Nature)
1c). All of the laws of ALL GOVERNMENTS of ALL TIME of **Civilized Man**, are based on Gods Laws. (This old man hasn’t been able to find any that aren’t a spin off of one or another of the 10 Commandments of the Old Covenant) ..and the following of which are what makes us acceptable to ourselves and society in general. OR the laws are deemed a BAD Law, by not standing the test of time for humane treatment of citizens, and the makers of the law (s) are condemned in the court of conscience and history.
**1c). footnote on civilized man** Now days our archaeologists are finding remains of those ancient humans that were thought of as Pre-Civilized Man… and that they were far more “civilized” then previously believed. (Discoveries of “Totem Sacks” point at belief in the Spirit World, for one thing, and leads me to believe that we should all simply: Leave their graves alone). but anyway….
1d). When we perceive ourselves as “Open Minded” while debating or ignoring an obvious, or time proven, good, (such as attempting to work with Gods Will in our personal lives and thereby giving credence to His Existence ) we are often just being prideful in the exercising of our own Free Will ..in the vain effort to be non committal, which in itself is a commitment.
1e). Being that self pride and or inherent pride is something that the Triune God has (via scripture and tradition) told mankind that He despises. It would seem to some that they may be better off to continue questioning His existence in hopes He will be easier, in judgment, on “pretend ignorance”, then He would be on failure to produce.
Although without taking into consideration the fact that God can neither deceive nor be deceived, it is a fools game.
As well as with Non commitment, sleeping in on Sundays isn’t a cause of guilt. And modernism has the notion that, feelings of guilt should be shunned at all costs for they may lead to all sorts of impaired judgment in other areas of life.
Conclusion 1). Logic … must prevail ….If we use the rational expressed in the second half of (1b) we ARE believing in GOD, VIA His LAWS, but living in denial.
2) Some humans “deny” the existence of God…
2a). For the most part the same persons will insist that they are solid of mind enough to have logically deduced His Non-Existence through a mixture of scientific knowledge and gut feeling.
2b). Ultimately SCIENCE is Science is science and when it can prove something utilizing the latest technology available to the scientist involved. The completed Theory must be accepted by all, until the next generation of thinkers and technology comes along and refines or disproves the initial theory. (The greatest thinkers of each century have always use the latest technology)
BUT try as we humans might, all attempts to disprove Gods existence have fallen far short of even being a THEORY in the scientific sense of the word, and only remains “theory” in the faith sense of the word. (which is ironic)
2c). With all of the evil and hardships seen in societies, wars, and the earths natural disasters and the suffering of disease, Well if there was a God that is an all Knowing and all Good, Kind, Compassionate and Loving Creator — He would have not allowed these things in the first place … therefore He cannot exist …..
2d). Possibly for any one or more of the negative excerpts mentioned in (2c) some people are mad, even hateful, at God (if He does exist ) and are either boiling to the point that they hope He does exist so they can hate Him even more (because if they were Him they would do better) or miserable to the point of indifference and want everyone else to be miserable also, so we can all feel the same. Denying His existence is the shortest route attempting to achieve that or some other void which is impossible to fill.
These hatreds or dying heart indifferences are usually taken out on surrogate gods in the form of rude or intellectually lofty treatment of parents – pets – pet peeve groups, such as Government officials, Ethnic groups, Athletes or Co-workers.
Or God is replaced by rudimentary vices, which contain there own hatreds, allowing the individual to “feel” detached from the hate. This allows an avenue for the needed expression of distain (of being abandoned by a Creator that does not exist in the minds eye), giving that person the ability to express hatred indirectly upon their chosen surrogate god…….Self.
2e). Verbally denying Gods Existence by taking this solidly negative attitude, is the best way to keep the Bible Pounding Group at an arms length . Which is better then to constantly be explaining a more truthful conviction that “Life is good, I am lazy, God MAY or May Not exist and if He does I just haven’t had much use for Him lately .. and If I ever do it is none of your business… because IF all the stuff you guys say about Him is true .. it is between Him and me and He knows it … so leave it alone.”
Conclusion 2). Every Human has the inner driving to need to “rationalize their Stand” on the subject of the Existence of God.
When we feel that we are solid of mind and reason enough to discount the influence of our fellowman; we may well be discounting the influence that God Himself is attempting to send us, through that person, offering us yet another one of His personal invitations, for our own betterment.
If that person happens to be a real hardcore Bible Thumper .. well cut um a little slack … and bear in mind that, He is working on them too and telling them to not make so much noise, as they are scaring some of the the fish away. It is believed to have been the great (St. Patrick) that once said …. “we must preach the gospel unceasingly, using words if necessary”
To which it must be asked, of anyone reading this, (simply answer in your own heart)
Question #1). What is Your Opinion on the Existence of Sepiturian???
Answer #1). It would be a miracle if You have an opinion … because it is not even a word ..as far as this old man knows.., “It” couldn’t have placed an inner driving within your heart, let alone within every human of all time as to “its'” existence. Let alone claim to have created You, Love You, be willing to Die for you (and give an Historically documented record of same) and allow You a free will to decide if you want to spend all eternity with a Being that promises to be in your heart if you will attempt to be in His and to be near you spiritually throughout your time on earth while you decide. All for the asking and WITHOUT forcing it on you...
The proof that HE exists … is that we exist …in the fact that we can’t get it out of our heads … that we are drawn to please Him … because He is drawing us. And for our own good, He isn’t going to give up.
Bottom line .. in the form of THE ONE Question
While some of us may, for whatever reason, wish to Question His Existence , do you think He is Questioning yours, for whatever reason: and if so, Who’s question is more important?