What Does God Want?

Of all the questions in this world, this is really the grand daddy of them all.

Answer #1: Our Personal Love. It is the only thing HE does not already have in abundance.

Some of the early keys to opening the mysteries of allowing ourselves to give Him our personal love would seem to be:

a).    Humility …(that is truly knowing the ones self He created each of us as).

b).   Obedience to His Laws. (and this is the first step in acquiring humility) Obviously the Ten (10) Commandments of Hebrew lineage and the Two (2) Great Commandments of Our Savior but also should include all rules: those of government, nature, and those that He has instilled, and has reminded each human of,  in conscience.

c).    Honoring Authority, and people in positions of same.

        c1). If any authority we are obeying in any situation is a bad person (or group) we must attempt to gently correct whatever situation we have encountered.

        c2). If unable to correct the situation. We must allow the radical correction to be done by God Himself, and if we have NOT overstepped the bounds of peaceful solutions within our personal graces, realize that He will not hold us personally responsible for the lack of correction. HE has allowed them to be in the position (or Office of life) that they are in, and expects THEM to keep the laws of the New Covenant, same as you and me.   

        c3). If while on earth we feel that the only authority we will honor is the “direct” authority of God Himself (via Divine inner locution) or our “personal” interpretation of His Inspired Writings (the Bible), a common lack of discernment may well be placing ourselves at or near the head table of a feast where we were supposed to the coat check person.

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